Terms of use


Passengers, their luggage and accompanied vehicles are carried subject to a) The Athens Convention Relating to Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea 1974 b) The Greek Private Maritime Code and c) the general conditions of carriage of Superfast Ferries®, collectively “The Conditions”. These Conditions include exclusions and limitations of carrier’s liability for death, illness or for damage to or loss of vehicles and luggage or for delay or deviation. In particular, the Athens Convention Relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea of 1974 includes limits to the carrier’s liability for loss of or damage to luggage and accompanied vehicles. Copies of the Conditions of carriage of Superfast Ferries® are available upon request.

Limited Liability Fares and Timetables listed in the Superfast Ferries® 2004 Catalogue are based on conditions existing at the time of print. If any conditions should change after the time of print, the company reserves the right to make changes in the timetable or to refrain from contractual obligation. In the unlikely event that contractual obligations may not be fulfilled, the customer is entitled to a full refund of payments made. The company is however not liable for any damages resulting thereof. In the event of an increase in fuel prices, currency fluctuation or other unforeseen circumstances, it reserves the right to change the fares without prior notice.

Reservation Requirements In compliance with international SOLAS regulations, please note that you are required to supply the following information when you make your reservation: Name and Surname, Sex, Nationality, Date of birth, Type and registration number of vehicle (if applicable).Passengers from non-European Union (and non-Schengen) countries are required to supply the following additional information: Passport number and expiry date, Visa expiry date (if required).
Ticket Validity Tickets are valid for one year from the date of issue.
Exchange Rate The fares of tickets purchased in other countries or onboard may differ due to fluctuations in the exchange rate.

Cancellations -Refunds The following amounts are refunded for cancellations made at the Travel Agency, Port Agency,Premium Sales Agent or Superfast Ferries® office that reservation and payment have taken place: An 100% refund,up to 30 days prior to departure. A 75% refund,from 29 to 7 days prior to departure. A 50% refund,from 6 days to 24 hours prior to departure. Superfast Ferries ® has no obligation to refund 24 hours prior to ship’s departure or if the passenger does not report at check-in. In the event of a partial cancellation of a round trip of which the one crossing has been completed, the passenger will be charged a one way fare and will be refunded as above for the balance of the round trip fare. In the event of a whole cancellation of a round trip, the passenger will be refunded as above (based on the time of cancellation) A refund may take place up till and including three months after the date of travel. Request for a refund can be made in writing. Cancellations and refunds can only be settled through the Travel Agency, Port Agency, Premium Sales Agent or Superfast Ferries® office that reservation and payment have taken place. Port Agencies may cancel a reservation once check-in is finalised but not refund money. Superfast Ferries® is entitled to retain the total value of ticket if the passenger interrupts his voyage at an intermediate port,unless the interruption is due to illness, accident or force majeure.

Open Return Passengers with open return must reserve their return journey through the Travel Agency, Premium Sales Agent or Port Agent, that reservation and payment have taken place, well in advance. Return fares are always calculated on the basis of the low season fare. In the event that a passenger travels in shoulder or high season or during a period in which a new tariff is in force,then the difference between the current and the pre-paid fare will be paid. Superfast Ferries® cannot guarantee to transport passengers on their desired travel dates.

Lost Tickets In the event that a passenger loses his/her ticket, he/she must immediately notify the issuing Travel Agent or Superfast Ferries®.The reissued ticket can only be picked up by the owner with valid identification.
Note: At check-in, all passengers must furnish proof of ticket ownership with either a valid identification card or passport.
Discounts Valid proof is required by Superfast Ferries® upon request for discounted fares e.g.: a) infants, b) children, c) senior citizens, d) passengers with special needs, e) students, f) youths.

Group Requests Group fares can be requested through Superfast Ferries® Travel Agencies and Premium Sales Agents.
Unaccompanied Children Superfast Ferries® does not accept reservations for children under the age of 15 years old that are not accompanied by adults. Reservations for young people from the age of 15 up to 18 years are only acceptable if the parental or legal guardian has given his /her written permission for the unaccompanied voyage. Appropriate forms are available from Superfast Ferries®.
Passengers with special needs On board our vessels there are specially designed cabins with easy access and operation to accommodate passengers with special needs. Due to a limited number of cabins it is necessary to reserve in advance. For further assistance,please contact the Customer Service Dept., tel.:+30 210 89 19 010, e-mail: customer.services@superfast.com

Pets Italy -Greece: A limited number of cabins are available for pet carriage. It is necessary to reserve these cabins in advance. Should these be fully booked, we alternatively offer a small number of kennels. Owners or guardians are required to have their pet’s valid health documents with them while travelling and follow all entry regulations. Pets are not allowed indoors (bars, restaurants and other public areas)or in vehicles,while access to the vehicle deck is forbidden during crossings,and when walking on the open deck they are required to wear muzzle and be on a leash,accompanied by the pet owner or guardian.The pet owner or guardian is held fully responsible for any damages caused by the pet.

Camping on Board As per International Ship and Port Security Code regulations (ISPS) of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), Superfast Ferries will no longer be able to accept camping on board on its vessels in the Adriatic Sea.
Meals Meals are not included in the price of the ticket.
Personal Belongings Superfast Ferries® is not responsible for the loss of money or valuables left in open storage spaces or in cabins. Please, report the loss of any personal item to the Reception Desk on board during the voyage or to Customer Service Dept., tel.:+30 210 89 19 010, e-mail: customer.services@superfast.com

Boarding Procedure /Entry Regulations All passengers are required to have a valid passport and other travel documents. Superfast Ferries® cannot be held responsible in the event that authorities prevent a passenger from continuing his/her journey. Superfast Ferries® reserves the right to deny embarkation to any individual who does not possess valid travel documents. In the event of a fine being imposed on Superfast Ferries® by the immigration office, the amount will be charged to the passenger who failed to provide the proper legal documents. In the event of immigration officials refusing entry, the passenger will be sent back at his own expense. For citizens of the European Union and Switzerland, an identity card is required to enter Finland. Infants and children also require an official form of identification. We would request that citizens of other states contact the appropriate consulate for details.
Currency Exchanges on board Currency on board is Euro (Pounds Sterling are also accepted on board North Sea vessels). Exchange Bureaus and ATM cash points are also available. Major Credit cards are accepted. Debit cards are only accepted in the Baltic and North Sea.
Telecommunications and Internet Coin-operated telephones via satellite are available on board.Moreover, do not miss the opportunity of an on board Internet connection.



Reservation According to EU Directive 98/41, the Presidential Decree 2399 of the Greek State and the Solas International Directive, to make a reservation it is imperative to provide the company with the following details: A: For European Union nationals: 1. Family name – First Name – Sex – Age description (adult child baby) 2. Vehicle type – Number plate B: For non- European Union nationals the following details are also required: Nationality – Date of birth and Passport number.

Check-in Procedure Boarding starts 3 hours prior to departure. Passengers must check in at the port agencies at least 2 hours prior to the scheduled departure. After that, ANEK LINES reserve the right to cancel the reservation without giving any fare refund. All passengers must have the necessary valid travel documents with them. The company reserves the right not to allow a passenger board the ship in case they do not have the necessary travel documents.

Children Children up to 4 years old not entitled to a bed, travel free and it is imperative to reserve and buy a zero price ticket. Children up to 4 years old entitled to a bed get a 50% discount. Children from 4 to 12 years of age are entitled to a 50% discount in all classes. Children that travel in cabins must be accompanied by an adult paying full fare. Pets Pets travel free in a specially designated area. It is prohibited to have pets in the cabins, the restaurants, the bars and all inside common areas. They must always be accompanied by a recently updated health book.

Camping On Board Passengers taking a caravan or camper with them must check in at least 2.5 hours prior to the scheduled departure time. Delayed arrival of the camper may not allow its owners to take it on board the open deck. For safety reasons, it is strictly forbidden to use liquid gas or other fuels during the journey. Usefull Information Each cabin can be used as a 2-bed, 3-bed or 4- bed cabin, according to the number of passengers who use it and not the number of beds. Passengers can use all common areas of the ships freely. It is prohibited to use the inside common areas of the ships (lounges, corridors, bars) to sleep or eat. Passengers must abide by the instructions of the staff regarding observance of safety rules and good operation of the ship. In case of dispute regarding these conditions of carriage, the dispute shall be resolved according to Greek Law, and the competent authority shall be the Court of Chania, Crete.

Single-Bed Cabins In case of reservation of a two-bed cabin for exclusive use, 50% of the price of the second bed is payable. Luggage Luggage can remain in the cars during the journey. Passengers are kindly requested to take with them only necessary luggage. ANEK LINES cannot be held responsible for loss of money or valuables that were forgotten in the cabins or in the common areas of the ship.

Cancellations For cancellations that the ticket issuing offices and ANEK LINES have been informed of, fares are refunded as follows: For cancellations made between the reservation date and 30 days prior to departure, the full fare is refunded. For cancellations between 29 days and up to 7 days prior to departure, 80% of the fare is refunded. For cancellations between 6 days and 24 hours prior to departure, 50% of the fare is refunded. For cancellations made 24 hours prior to departure or if the passenger does not show up for boarding, ANEK LINES is under no obligation to give a refund. Tickets may be cancelled or changed at the competent port offices and at the central ticket offices of ANEK LINES. Refunds are given only by the offices that issued the ticket upon approval by the company.

Loss of Tickets In case of ticket loss, the issuing agent or ANEK LINES must be notified immediately. The cost of a new ticket is borne by the passenger, and a refund for the lost ticket is given only by the issuing agent at the end of the year, after verifying that it has not been used.

Open Tickets Passengers with open tickets must make their reservation in good time. The return ticket is calculated on the basis of the lowest season fare and, in case the passenger wishes to travel during the middle or high season, he/she must buy a supplement covering the difference. The company cannot be held liable if the desired class is not available. In case an open ticket has not been used, the passenger is entitled to a refund of the fare only by the issuing ticket office. The boarding offices do not have the right to give ticket refunds for any reason. Open tickets are valid for one calendar year from the date of issue. In case the ticket price list in force has been modified during the use of the open ticket, the passengers shall pay the difference.

Timetable – Fares – Discounts As arrival time is stated the time that the ship approaches the port entrance. For possible delays due to third persons liabilities or special weather conditions, the company holds no resposibility. Fare prices are inclusive of sea carriage and harbour fees. Meals and drinks are not included in the price of the fare. ANEK LINES reserve the right to modify the timetable or the fares without any prior notification in case of unexpected events or a rise in fuel price. Tickets are personal and not transferable. The discount on return tickets (25% Domestic lines, 30% International lines) is applicable only when issuing both legs of a return ticket at the same time. Passengers must state any special discount they are entitled to prior to the issue of the ticket. After the journey, no fare is refunded. Special discounts-offers are not cumulative. Groups, coaches and non-accompanied vehicles are subject to negotiable prices. Currency – Credit Cards CURRENCY ON BOARD: Euro All major credit cards (AMERICAN EXPRESS, VISA, DINERS, MASTERCARD), are accepted at the shops and the a la carte restaurants on board. When using credit cards, it is imperative to show your ID card or passport.



From the date of ticket issuance and up to 30 days before departure: 90% refund.
From 29 days up to 7 days before departure: 75% refund.
From 7 days up to 24 hours before departure: 50% refund.
On the day of departure: the fare is not refunded. Refunds are issued only from the issuing agency.